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A member registered Sep 11, 2017

Recent community posts

When imported to Godot using the FBX importer the model didn't have any colors. Can you make these in Godot friendly format?

FBX Import (

I'd need a dash and a wall jump to use this in a jam

(1 edit)

works wit godot 4.2?

edit: seems to work. The basic controls are good. Would be nice to change values from the insperctor and have things like wall jump and dash too

(1 edit)

What an impressive demo! This shows much promise. 

Some minor notes.

It would be nice if objectives were marked completed in Notes when done. 

Also, how was I supposed to know which way to take to complete the save the General objective? I chose the path that went to the villain and missed on that side objective.

 A dedicated healing button would be nice.

There is no reason to highlight non-interactable items in the HUD like keyboards etc. It just clutters the view and makes it harder to see what you actually can interact with.

This looks great. Are you adding gamepad support?

(1 edit)

Works with Godot 4.2?

Can you add a shooting mechanic similar to megaman where there can be 3 bullets on the screen at the same time?

Wall jump doesn't feel great because he falls down when you press away from the wall 

Update coming for Godot 4.2?

(1 edit)

Works with Godot 4.2?

Edit: 4.2 gives this error: res://Scripts/ - Parse Error: Unexpected "Identifier" in class body.


onready var PlayerSprite = $Sprite #path to the player's sprite

onready var Anim = $AnimationPlayer #path to animation player

onready var RightRaycast = $RightRaycast #path to the right raycast

onready var LeftRaycast = $LeftRaycast  #path to the left raycast

Can you add a sword?

Can you make this into a Godot addon please?

Please do a Mega Man preset

Will you do a female version?

Throws errors on Godot 4. Can you make this for 4?

Does it not work with Godot 4?

Do you have a tutorial on how to use these (Godot/Blender)?

(4 edits)

Looks cool! 

How do you make graphics like this? Can you make a tutorial or even release source code and assets? 

I'm interested in creating a game similar to King's Field but I've only made small 2D games before and this has exactly the look I'm going for.

How would I add a jump attack?

Will you add more enemies and weapons?

(1 edit)

Can you make one for me? 

Here's a video of the weapon in action:

View post on

That email didn't work. Can you send me a key on itch

What resolution did you use for the demo game?

How about a melee attack?

How about switching things up a bit and giving him a boomerang style weapon like in Power Blade for NES? It could be a futuristic Ring Weapon that you can upgrade.

I see Godot is supported but is Unity?

Will you be making a male character also?

Without 4 directions and attack animations it doesn't work for most projects

Includes a char? Enemies?

Will you be adding more animations for the character like  dash, climbing ladders and crouching? Maybe a projectile attack?

Maybe another char thats male? And more enemies 

Hi. Did you ever finish more your sci-fi tileset?

Will you be making top-down or isometric tutorials?

How about a Linux demo?

How to install on Linux?

thanks :)

Can you share the source code?

(3 edits)

These are perfect for my little action-RPG I'm working on:

Edit: Just realized I have double shadows on the objects. I had different (uglier :P) objects before that didn't have shadows in the sprites so I added them in Godot. Might be a good idea to have a version of the character with shadow too?


Thanks! I actually already went ahead and made a 32x32 sheet and it works nicely. Having the weapon as a separate entity is a good idea because you could just change the weapon sprite if the player upgrades his sword

Are you going to release more enemies?

The sword hits don't fit in 16x16. Is there a way to make that sheet work in godot animation player or do I have to make a new sheet that's bigger so the sword fits (for example 32x32)?

(1 edit)

I realized I was actually subscibed to your Youtube and you show your Tiled workflow there! I need to watch that video. Though I'm also interested in learning to use this for making maps:

The tiles look great, I'm gonna use them for a small Zelda-like demo game :)